March 18, 2014 WISPS was contacted by a concerned father, “Deacon”, who along with his son, “Bishop” had been experiencing what they described as Poltergeist activity in their respective homes.
The activity had started five years prior when father and son lived together and had caused significant disruption to their lives. The activity centered around tapping and scratching on the walls, kitchen cupboards and drawers being left open, and objects being thrown around the home.
Deacon complained that oftentimes there was an unexplained foul odors, and a general feeling of misery in their home. Deacon and Bishop would begin fierce arguments over minor issues or for no reason at all. Deacon and Bishop soon realized the presence in their home was causing the negative moods and fights, and began to point out and stop their heated arguments shortly after they began.
The disruption got so bad that Deacon eventually lost his job. The disruptions and sleep deprivation had significant negative impacts on both of their lives. Both Deacon and Bishop began to reach out to the paranormal community to try and learn what was happening in their lives.
Deacon first contacted a local paranormal investigation group which came to conduct an investigation of the home. Once the investigators realized the entities in the home were malevolent the lead investigator demanded no investigator touch anything, and immediately packed up and left the residence refusing to help further.
Unable to get further help Deacon and Bishop began to look into the matter themselves. Deacon used his programming skills to create the now defunct website in an effort to reach out to the paranormal community for help. From his website Deacon learned WISPS gets involved with demonic cases, and made contact with the group.
Starting the same day Deacon was able to make contact with WISPS, Bishop was able to capture some activity on his laptop computer using sound/motion activated software. The videos on the left show the motion capture aspect in the form of a green box where there are changes to light.
This case is ongoing with WISPS conducting regular Skype Video conferencing interviews. Bishop has thus far advised his living arrangements are precarious and he is afraid intervention at his apartment may cause him to lose his lease. Bishop advised he will seek removal of the entities through Castle if the activity gets worse, but thus far it is bearable.
Because this video has not been captured personally by a WISPS investigator we cannot guarantee its authenticity 100%. The video clips shown however were taken from significantly longer raw video files by WISPS and are five of dozens of videos he has received on the case. The portions removed put the videos in greater context and lend further credibility and authenticity to their content. These videos have been shortened to show the just the activity portions and not the reactions by the victims in this case. In most cases these videos were received by WISPS within less than an hour of their being recorded.