

Laws of Attraction and Invitation 

God has given us certain protections against demonic forces. Other than attemptingAug15_16_PodGoblinGH_0074-X3-1024x682 through subtlety to influence us to commit sin, demons are incredibly limited in how much they can interact with us. Imagine spiritual beings with the knowledge and power of angels given Cart Blanche authority here on earth. Satan and his followers would just simply wipe us out and destroy us to thwart God’s plan.

So how do we go from a situation of full innate protection against demons to infestation, oppression, and possession? That happens through one of two laws. These are the laws of attraction, and the law of invitation.

The law of attraction happens when we are drawn to an infested location where a demonic presence has already been invited in previously by someone else, or we are tempted to tinker with things such as Ouija, séances, and divination. These may seem like a harmless pastime, but nobody can ever confirm what sort of spirit they are communicating with, remember these demonic spirits are liars. They will convince the hapless user they are a friendly spirit until they eventually convince the user to invite them into their life somehow. Then the infestation period begins.

The law of attraction can also take place where something repugnant has taken place such as murder, suicide, serial child abuse, etc. The more repugnant the act or the more times a vile act takes place at a location the more likely that behavior would be to draw demonic entities to that location. It was discovered in a case in the late ’70s in Connecticut that an old funeral home infestation was the result of a funeral home director in the past performing sex acts on the deceased.

The law of invitation can be either deliberate or innocent. As mentioned above a lying demonic spirit can convince a hapless dabbler in the occult to inadvertently invite the demonic entities entry into their lives. If you have ever seen the movie The Conjuring the Annabelle story at the beginning of the movie is a true story and a prime example of how this can happen. The demonic forces will do small things to try and get their targets to reach out to them at which point they manipulate until they get an invitation. In that case, the young women were tricked into believing they were dealing with the spirit of a little girl. Once they invited the spirit of the little girl to inhabit the doll and enter their lives the demonic entity pretending to be the little girl was more than happy to take them up on the offer.

The law of invitation can also be far more malicious. Practitioners of Santeria can summon demons to do their bidding and place “curses” on people or objects. These curses generally take the form of a demonic infestation on behalf of the summoner against the summoner’s target. People can seek to practice black magic spells which involves inviting a demon to do the users bidding for a price. Satanic cults also often deliberately invite these forces into the world. Sometimes when invited in these demonic forces lay in wait for their choice of victim to come along before revealing themselves. These spirits are infinitely patient and can wait decades before finding someone they feel is a suitable target.

Those who intentionally invite such forces into the world are promised power, money, sex, or any number of things. The demonic forces will deliver on these promises, but again there is a significant price.

The promises offered by the demonic can appear to be very attractive. The best analogy I can offer between what God offers versus the demonic is someone offering a homeless man a new car, 1,000 acres of beachfront property, a 100,000 sq. ft. mansion, and a monetary fortune if he can wait, but a week to receive it. On the other hand, the promise of the demonic is akin to holding out a hundred dollar bill toward the man now and offering it this moment instead of waiting a week for the better reward.

It seems easy to take the sure thing of a hundred dollars now, but in reality, waiting the week will net a significantly better reward. The promises offered by the demonic are very much the hundred dollar bill. It’s attractive in the immediate here and now, instant gratification at its finest, but pathetic compared to the true reward they are trying to dissuade us from.

Remember the demonic-target people. Once a person is targeted by a demonic entity, that entity will follow that person or people from one location to another. There is no escape simply by changing one’s home. You cannot run from a demonic attachment.



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